
Generating the Azure-PlantUML distro

If you want to have customized builds and/or experiment with Azure-PlantUML, you can generate the Azure-PlantUML distro yourself.


The build applicaiton is supported on Windows, MacOS, and Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) with the following software pre-requisites installed:

Playwright CLI

Download and install the Playwright CLI by running the following command:

dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.Playwright.CLI

Additional Setup for Linux (Ubuntu 20.04)

For Linux systems, Playwright requires the installation of additinal dependencies. Navigate to the scripts folder and run:

dotnet build
playwright install-deps


Add Icon files

Download the Microsoft Azure architecture icons and copy all folders from Azure_Public_Service_Icons_V4\Azure_Public_Service_Icons\Icons to source/official

Place any icons that are not part of the Microsoft Azure Architecture bundle into source/manual. For additional icons not in the official set, we suggest using the Amazing Icon Downloader

Application Settings

Create a new file named appsettings.json within the scripts directory and add the following content based on your environment:


    "sourceFolderPath": "..\\source",
    "targetFolderPath": "..\\dist",
    "monochromeColorHex": "#0072C6",
    "plantUmlPath": "C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\lib\\plantuml\\tools\\plantuml.jar"


    "sourceFolderPath": "../source",
    "targetFolderPath": "../dist",
    "monochromeColorHex": "#0072C6",
    "plantUmlPath": "/usr/share/plantuml/plantuml.jar"


    "sourceFolderPath": "../source",
    "targetFolderPath": "../dist",
    "monochromeColorHex": "#0072C6",
    "plantUmlPath": "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/plantuml/1.2022.14/libexec/plantuml.jar"

The path to PlantUML may vary based on the version you are using and how you installed it. Be sure to update the value for plantUmlPath accordingly to match your envioronment.

Update Config.yaml

Update this file to add or remove icons in your distro. The source attribute represents the svg file name. Logic has been added to the PlantUML generation program to simplify the value used here. Dashes, spaces, and certain prefixes and suffixes are removed when searching for source files. For example, adding App Service Plan Linux will work for the following source files:

The target attribute will be used for the PlantUML element stereotype and all target file names. Keep in mind that services are grouped into categories as reflected in the YAML structure.

Generate PlantUML Elements

Use dotnet run from the scripts folder to execute the application.

What happens

From a logical point of view, the following happens:

  1. The official folder is processed recursively to rename all the SVGs found
  2. The Config.yaml is loaded
  3. Cleanup: all files and directories from dist folder are deleted
  4. AzureCommon.puml is copied to dist
  5. For all configured services in Config.yaml a monochrome and a colored SVGs is searched
    • The source/manual folder is used to supplement the original SVGs from Microsoft
    • If no colored SVG is found, this will be ignored
    • If no monochrome SVG is found, this will be generated form the colored one
    • If both is not found, an error is shown
  6. From colored SVG a PNG is generated
  7. From the monochrome SVG a PNG with white background is generated
    • This is needed for PlantUML sprite generation
  8. A PlantUML sprite is generated
  9. In a second round a PNG without background is generated from the monochrome SVG
  10. In addition to single Azure services PUML files, also a combined PUML file per category is generated
  11. A markdown table with all Azure services, their colored and monochrome symbols and the PUML files is generated
  12. VSCode snippets for all Azure services for their PlantUML usage are generated

Update the Azure Symbols page

When the program completes, replace the markdown table in with the contents from located in your target folder.